Saturday, July 16, 2011

18 Weeks: The Sweet Potato

The baby is the size of a Sweet Potato this week! Average size is 5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces. According to The Bump website (click"HERE"to see and read about the other fruits!), my fetus has become amazingly mobile, passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that I will be able to feel those movements soon! Last week was the size of an onion. Stay tuned for next week's fetus fruit!

A Who down in Whoville

We expect a little Who down in Whoville to arrive on December 14th, 2011. This blog is to document all the achievements and fun stories as we get started on our adventures as a family!